Team review
" Graphical weather. "
The application has not yet detailed description, however the team assigned the note of 9 / 10. This note is based on the following criteria: Quality, Usefulness, Ease of Use, Privacy Concerns of user data (depending on the permissions required)..
The app is compatible from version 1.6 of Android. Any supperior OS version will support it.
Its weight is very light, less than a megabyte is sufficient to store and operate.
Its number of downloads in the Android Market (Google Play) makes it a very popular application. More than five hundred thousand people use it on their phone or tablet.
User reviews
40 users have given their review on Aix Weather Widget.
Excellent widget! by anonymVery precise and graphicaly apealing. Maybe in the future to design it for 2 days? In longer size. Only issue is maybe the speed of loading. Congratulations! Q: What is te difference from payed version? 5/5
It's a nice widget to look at & useful too. And free! by anonymWhat more do you want? Viva Norway! -from a Brit. 5/5
Accurate and beautiful by anonymWeather is accurate even for US locations. Fast, simple, pretty. 5/5
It lives by anonymFinally a update, great app! 5/5
by anonymVery nice weather-app. Beats the hell out of the stock Galaxy one, especially since it does the right thing and show future weather, not current one. 4/5
Good hourly forecast by anonymI like the clean widget with the hourly overview 5/5
Accurate by anonymThe whole day's weather at a glance :-) 5/5
For a thoughtful, reasonable man by anonymlike myself, it's the best weather app! 5/5
Perfect by anonymOnly one weather app you need. 5/5
Great app by anonymAll needed weather information in one widget 5/5
Top Class Widget by anonymA great set of data from Norway, and very good visual presentation. Absolutely best of the weather apps. 5/5
Needs different widget sizes by anonymGreat app. It shows me exactly what I want to know. However, it only has one widget size 1 high by 4 wide which leaves me squinting to read the data. Needs option to make the widget bigger on the screen like 2 x 4. Fix for 5 stars. 3/5
Plz update for nexus 6. by anonymOn nexus 6 it only come inbhalf screen. Pls fix.Just perfect. One look gives you the forecast. No need to flip to hours or days. The best weather app ever! 5/5
A little Gem by anonymNo nonsense, functions as its supposed to. Use this widget every single day. An update of the UI would be nice but still 5* regardless. 5/5
Very Consistent by anonymI refer to this widget daily. It is simple and performs as stated. Solid app. 5/5
Clean and simple by anonymClear and functional (easy to see information). Colors can be changed. Open source. Does not asks for needless permissions. Thanks for this app! 5/5
Excellent widget by anonymData loading fixed by latest update. 5/5
Not so great on phablet by anonymI have moved to a Nexus 6, and the screen is wider. Unfortunately I cannot resize the widget to take advantage of the larger screen. Is it fixable? 4/5
Best widget by anonymThe tool I use most! Thanks a lot 5/5
Too small, Samsung aceIIX by anonymThe display is too small to enjoy the information. 3/5
Excellent by anonymI find this widget very useful; it gives consistently accurate forecasts for my area. 5/5
ok but by anonymneeds to be resizable using home screen long touch and drag edges, not having to set pixel dimensions in settings. Needs a current time indicator line. 3/5
Indispensable weather app. by anonymI use a lot of weather apps, but none more than this. Beautifully informative, yet compact. Recommended. 5/5
Aix app by anonymPrediction is as good or better than locally provided forecasts. Nice to be able to see next 24 hours at a glance 5/5
Aix Weather Widget by anonymI love this weather app. It is simple, no adverts, and you can see from the picture at a glance the weather for the day, hourly. It is very accurate. Refreshing change from the usual kind of weather app. 5/5
Simple informative and looks great by anonymThere's no better weather widget around. It's simple, customizable, and displays an easy to read quick glance at the weather for the day. 5/5
Awesome by anonymSimple yet it has got all that a nice 24 hrs detailed forecast widget has got to have. No more, no less. Thank you. 5/5
24h at a glance by anonymAbility to switch between NOAA and NMI is great. Visually appealing and all the varying data one could need on one simple chart. 5/5
Simple and customisable by anonymI've gone for a minimalist ui and it works beautifully. Discrete but informative. 5/5
Best looking weather widget on Android by anonymI have been using this widget since my first Android phone. Thanks, Dev! 5/5
Best app I have by anonymHands down the most useful thing on my phone. A quick glance tells me the weather and precipitation, all I need to know 99% of the time. Clean interface, to the point coding, and not abusing privileges like most apps. Came on here to rate 5stars because they deserve it. 5/5
Must have for snow removal by anonymI do snow removal and this is perfect for knowing when I have to go out. Wish I could set it to 48 hours though 5/5
Near little widget that's powerful as much as a full fledged app by anonymThis little app works flawlessly and provides pretty much every weather detail you would expect. And I love the fact that it let's you customize it as well. Good job Mr. Developer. 5/5
Amazing app by anonymI run 3 widgets for the places I regularly bike to so I can check what gear to wear at a glance. 5/5
Never updates by anonymNever updates, I only found a workaround: click on it and apply changes even if there arent any. Properly configured to update, never does it. 2/5
Just keeps working {}^__^}/ by anonymYears on and not only still works solid, but better than ever. One of our top choice widgets in our cave on all our devices []^__^] / Device: OnePlus One (64Gb) 5/5
Very customizable, and thus Beautiful! by anonymTried YR widget HD but it wasn't playing nice with my other widgets. This one is immensely more customizable, which makes it fit in almost any theme. Real good work! 5/5
Perfect by anonymFor a quick at a glance report, it's great. I use it to predict incoming rain and it helps plan my cycle route. Only thing missing is widget resizing. Perfect for my nexus 5 but looks odd on my nexus 6. Otherwise it's brilliant. 4/5
Perfect for what I want. by anonymOk so it's not as accurate as my local forcast but who cares. No forcast is perfect. But I don't need it to be. For a quick glance at the day ahead on one screen without fussing or sliding things, it's spot on! 5/5
Best things in life come free. by anonymIrrespective of it being a free widget, it's the best widget. I've tried every single weather app from meteoearth to ex weather nd go weather widgets, all of them just trying to figure out a way to charge the customer with literally no common sense in displaying the data we would need eventually. This widget does best, salute and hats off to the developer. Respect man! 5/5
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Required permissions on the device
To work, the app requires access to the following device functions :