Team review
" The Final Fantasy 8 card game. "
The application has not yet detailed description, however the team assigned the note of 8 / 10. This note is based on the following criteria: Quality, Usefulness, Ease of Use, Privacy Concerns of user data (depending on the permissions required)..
The app is compatible with most Android devices running on.
Its weight is very light, less than a megabyte is sufficient to store and operate.
Its number of downloads in the Android Market (Google Play) is quite low. The application is either new, or limited to a specific area that only a few users are interested in.
User reviews
20 users have given their review on Android Triple Triad 2.
So Addicting by anonymThis app is easily my favorite. Im addicted to it. Simply collecting the cards and creating decks, it's great. I love Final Fantasy. I wish this application was given more attention, and was given an update because the mentioned enhancements such as a shop sound like alot of fun. This triple triad even has new cards that were not in ff8! 5 Stars. 5/5
Broken game by anonymI played and lost all my cards, 1 left. How do u add new cards or keep playing once all the cards are gone? Is there a way to start over? Will the shop be open soon? Its a great copy of the ff8 mini game, but if someone losses everything it seems like the only way to start over is to uninstall and redownload, its very time consuming, so a soft reset should be added... Great game, looking forward to the Gold release. 3/5
Incredible by anonymEven just in Beta this an AMAZING emulation. The only problem I have with it is the inability to delete a deck, so once you create a deck it will forever be in your deck list until you lose a card included in it. But other than that it is incredible, the gameplay is fluid and I haven't run into any problems so far. I just hope all the Gil I'm rackin up rolls over in the update when the shop is available. 5/5
Great app by anonymLove this game in FF8, I was always saying that they needed to make it an actual game. Official or not, this app is just awesome :3 I like that it stretches out to other Final Fantasies, for an even wider range of cards. Just a few suggestions: 1) Option to increase/decrease the volume. The music's great, but I can barley hear it. 2) Option to edit/erase deck once it's built 2.1) Building on from that, keep decks alive when built but make them unuseable until it's up to 5 cards again (since they can be named) 3) Default deck names to "Deck" or something similar. It can be tiring haveing to constantly name a deck whenever I lose 4) Show card names. Some images are hard to make out, and I get curious about what they are Sort cards into tiers in "My Cards" (like in ff8, where there're levels 1-10) 5/5
My dream came true... by anonymEver since I played ff8 I have always longed to play triple traid again. And now I finally can. Also love the music and cards. 5/5
Doesn't work on tablets by anonymThe application doesn't seem to have an option to finish creating a deck after selecting 5 cards on my samsung tablet. I played the random game mode and it brings back the old memories, but without the function to create a deck I will leave it at 1 star. 1/5
beta bugs by anonymmultiplayer ip validate doesn't allow you to use alphanumeric characters to enter the ip address required to join a hosted game. so, you can never enter the full ip required. a scanning algorithm to look for local hosted games would be a much easier solution to this problem. 3/5
Don't stop! by anonymOk I LOVE triple triad; when I got an android cell one of the FIRST things I looked for hoping to find was an app like this but at the time none was listed; today I found this! Still kinda rough and in development but never should be stopped! Needs a place to list IPs and Ports for others to view to pick a pvp opponent but that's all in good time; If you need cash for development PLEASE make a donation link on the app Because this app is one of the VERY FEW I deem worth paying for! Although heads up on samsung transform ultra the gil gets reset W/ the cards both choosing it and logging in/out of the app 5/5
by anonymGreat game! Addicting just as it was on VIII. Only problem is after every match it force closes on my Galaxy Captivate. 4/5
Great game by anonymThe only problem is sometimes cards will randomly get deleted out of your deck even wheen you win. Great game otherwise 4/5
Finally! by anonymI had wanted to play this game casually for years...literally YEARS after playing FFVIII for so long. Since like 2007 I've looked around trying to find an actual deck of Triple Triad cards until I found they were $400. Finding this app made my day on the first Beta and I cant wait to tear into this one and collect as many cards as I can. Thanks so much for making this game and continuing the update process! 5/5
Unplayable by anonymCan't even create a deck. There aren't any menu buttons in the create deck screen. I select my 5 cards and nothing happens. Was looking forward to this too. FF VIII is my favorite in the series. Will change rating if this ever gets updated. 1/5
by anonymLoved this game on ff8. This game is ok but it force closes all the time. Luckly its not during the game.. Good luck.
DEVELOPERS: could you fix this? 3/5
Pretty good for beta by anonymFFVIII fans thank you so much for making this game! I hope you keep working towards a full game. My only gripes are buggy screen orientation (S3) and playing at lower card level caused the game to crash when I won as I had all the cards in my inventory. Also victory music when you win would be awesome too :D 4/5
Great! by anonymI'm psyched to have this! A few things, i lose my decks when changing the rules and not much lower defense. Also consider pvp where you can make a move then someone else does. No wifi required. Otherwise, THANKS for making this and consider the FFIX card game too :D 4/5
Tablet Issues by anonymThe game is unplayable on the android galaxy tab II because there is no menu button, so I can't even create a deck. :( any plans to fix this? 1/5
by anonymLove it, just this game would be perfect if u can play multiple games at he same time and send moves back and forth and take your turn when you have time to like words with friend and hanging with friends. This Game would be rediculous if u had it set up like that Absolutly love this game. Can't wait for better PvP!! Let's doo thiss!! 5/5
Lovin it by anonymId like to see names for the cards and perhaps a better layout when selecting decks. Since you added cards concider new modes like all cades or just ff8 cards for the purests. Other than that love it cant wait for the shop :) (edit) ... i have a list of decks now should be able to delete unwanted decks if u can already let me know how thanks :) cant wait for the shop :D 4/5
Beautiful nostalgia by anonymThis game plays extremely well. The only request I have is to disable the feature that prevents my phone from sleeping. It kills my battery if I forget to manually turn the screen off or stop the app. Also a preview screen or at least larger icons in the my cards view would be great. It can be hard to see. 5/5
Unable to play on ICS by anonymSince there is no "menu" button on ICS, I can't build a deck, and thus can't play the game. Will review again once this is fixed. 1/5
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