Team review
" 10 000 puzzles, 10 variants. "
The application has not yet detailed description, however the team assigned the note of 9 / 10. This note is based on the following criteria: Quality, Usefulness, Ease of Use, Privacy Concerns of user data (depending on the permissions required)..
The app is compatible from version 2.3 of Android. Any supperior OS version will support it.
Its weight is light enough, less than ten MB (3 MB exactly) are needed to save to their device and use it.
Its number of downloads in the Android Market (Google Play) makes it an extremely popular application and rightly so. More than a million users are using it on mobile or on touch pad.
User reviews
40 users have given their review on Sudoku 2Go.
by anonymBest sudoku app till date 5/5
Sudoku to go by anonymCompelling killer of time 5/5
Simple, no bug by anonymBest app for sudoku 5/5
by anonymNeeds sign in to save progress... I never get to the end without getting a new phone 4/5
Very nice app by anonymIt is quite interesting. It is Good brain exercise. 5/5
Fantastic by anonymAddictive and instructive 5/5
Very cool app by anonymBest game app Ive had. Thnx 5/5
Awesome by anonymWith all the different changes that you can make this game is very exciting and challenging. I like being able to vary the styles* doesn't allow for boredom to set in. 5/5
by anonymKeeps my mind busy and I definitely need to keep it busy... 4/5
by anonymThe app store will randomly open to apps when I have this game open. Made sure I wasn't clicking the ads. Stahp! 3/5
Good but could be better by anonymI checked out several Sudoku apps, and picked this one. I only wish I could somehow create a single "possible" mark. As it is, the small numbers only appear when there are more than one possibility there. Often I look at a single number and want to mark "here or here" and don't want those marks to seem permanent. 3/5
by anonymCould the app be updated for the s5 and other androids which no longer have a menu key? 4/5
Like this app! by anonymWould be 5 stars if i could put one small number in a box (as it only goes small when you have 2 or more at the moment) 4/5
Contains all variations of sudoku by anonymMost important is that you can combine them to get even more variations. On top of that you can choose from many difficulty levels. When you stuck it will give hints on steps, in other words it does not give you the answer. 5/5
Great app by anonymMust have for sudoku fan. Pencil marks and error check features are great for learning 5/5
Fun puzzles, ad popups by anonymReally enjoyed the variety in the games, but when Google Play automatically opened twice in the middle of one game I decided to remove it. 3/5
by anonymGreat game 5/5
by anonymGood game. Very much brain stimulating 5/5
by anonymAwesome game. 5/5
Hey! by anonymI'm a kid and don't have money! When you say its free, its FREE!!!! No in app purchases! Fix this! 3/5
Best sudoku by anonymUI still looks like c**p, but overall best sudoku game. 5/5
Best game by anonymLove the game, but I hate when you change the position of buttons. This last time changed hint with clear. 5/5
Updated puzzles, please...? by anonymLove the game. Wish you would update the puzzles, though. I've burned through all the games in the Fanatic level so many times they're starting to look familiar. And don't throw us a curveball like swapping the placement of the 'Erase' and 'Error Check' buttons. Muscle memory is a real killer to overcome. 4/5
Good sudoku app by anonymMy only complaint is that even if your phone is on silent, the ads make noise. The ads have woken up my sleeping partner a couple of times. 4/5
Why did you change the button locations? by anonymYou know, for people who have been playing on this app for a while, when you decide to swap button locations for what seems like no good reason, it really is annoying. You swapped the help and erase keys, which really messes people up. You could switch them back anytime. Otherwise this game is great. 2/5
by anonymExhalent game 5/5
Almost by anonymDifficult interface. 2/5
Suduko by anonymGreat game. Addicting. 5/5
Perfect by anonymLove great 5/5
Hint feature makes game awesome by anonymYour hint feature makes your game awesome. Pls add custom game feature also 5/5
Awesome by anonymI had this before on almost all my phone's... this is a great free app and anyone that loves this game should give this app a try... keep up the great work :) 5/5
by anonymCool & great 4/5
No achievements count by anonymWhy not sign in with g+? 2/5
continue button stopped by anonymnot working after a game finishes 4/5
Average by anonymDoes not remove pencil marks of the number used in current cell from other in line / adjacent cells. Would rate higher if added. 3/5
Galaxy Core by anonymOne of the best - Can't sleep unless I complete at least 10 a day! -Sankaran1943 4/5
Fix It by anonymAds keep popping my browser open without being touched. Fix this bug please, it wasn't present until recently. 2/5
Needs landscape mode by anonymSeems can only be played in portrait mode (puzzle on top, keypad below) would love a portrait mode (keypad on right, puzzle on left or vice versa) 3/5
Note3 by anonymSimple and good. I like when it does only what it is supposed to do. I don't really appreciate the help during the game and would like to see a pause feature soon. 4/5
Samsung Galaxy by anonymThis is a game to challenge your brain. I love how it helps is you are stuck and how easy this is to use. I am new to this game. A great game. Thank you 5/5
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Required permissions on the device
To work, the app requires access to the following device functions :