Team review
" Multiplayer football manager. "
The application has not yet detailed description, however the team assigned the note of 9 / 10. This note is based on the following criteria: Quality, Usefulness, Ease of Use, Privacy Concerns of user data (depending on the permissions required)..
The app is compatible with most Android devices running on.
Its weight is very light, less than a megabyte is sufficient to store and operate.
Its number of downloads in the Android Market (Google Play) is quite low. The application is either new, or limited to a specific area that only a few users are interested in.
User reviews
40 users have given their review on Kick it out !.
by anonymEnter r4edw5 for extra cash 5/5
Tuanbluesky.hoian by anonymCh?i xong leagues thì h? th?ng không t? ??ng ch?i ti?p là sao 5* xu?ng còn 1* 1/5
by anonymGood game I liked it 4/5
by anonymBest 5/5
by anonymAmazing best game ever 5/5
Really Well done! by anonymGreat tutorial will have you up and going in no time. Perfect for first time managers, but plenty to dig into for pros. Love that I can play for a couple of minutes or a longer session. Compared to most football managers, this one takes up way less space. Use code DA2GL2 for xtras when creating your team. 5/5
It's just surreal by anonymYou'll either play it once and forget about it or you'll keep playing until you forget about everything else that is happening around the world. Great way to escape. Add W3THU5 as the bonus code to start of with alot more money for your squad 3/5
It's Ok by anonymYou'll either love it or hate it. The game has absolutely no realism about it whatsoever and can cost you a small fortune if you're not careful but it's very addictive. Use code UGB5L8 when you register for bonus cash which comes in handy when you start. Good luck 3/5
by anonymBrill game use my code wn u register...Y7XGHL to get sponsorship contract value a lot. 5/5
Nice by anonymPretty 5/5
Can't get enough! by anonymLOVE IT ! ! ! 5/5
Good by anonymI'll come back after 3/5
Good by anonymGood game .. It was nice to play .. Bt pls add some real playersss... Atleast add their names..bcz almost every player has a DUPLICATE in every team :-( v so plssss fix it... plsss... Btw nice game.. 4/5
A fun football mgr sim by anonymI'm having lots of fun with this sim which doesn't require paying for the in-game purchases to have fun. Another plus point is that player transfers are quick and easy, no need to outbid other offers. Games come fast and furious and that is a good thing. A game with lots of good features and lots more potential to grow. Use this code Z5BQ7Y when u register a team and get extra sponsorship cash!! 4/5
by anonymcool... 5/5
by anonymThe worstses 1/5
by anonymGood!!! 4/5
Ultimate game, pretty addictive by anonymTo start with huge bank balance enter this code - BRHFAS 5/5
God game by anonym44KFYK use this to get a head start 4/5
Love it by anonymGreat footy manager game, if ur into fifa 14 ultimate team then this is the game to get. 5/5
by anonymCant get past new team sign up 1/5
Good fun, interactive by anonymGood footy manager game. Not over complicated but plenty still to do with goof instructions use this code at start for big bonus S6X6XQ 4/5
Good by anonymEnter bonus code: UBLGKE for free stuff 5/5
It's a fun game by anonymPlease enter my code: GA2EYW for a jump start. 5/5
Great Game by anonymNot one of the best but fun nevertheless. Use code 6gs2rf for a starting bonus...good luck. 4/5
Not as great as first started by anonymDecent game for soccer fans. Use code: HY4AW8 when signing up. Fun at first but penalizes long term players by letting new teams get too good too fast. Also getting a bit glitch-y 3/5
Fun by anonymNice manager game with fun features. EW5VXU for more in game cash. 4/5
Good game by anonymPut this code in to get a boost in the game tvkppv 5/5
Great game! by anonymFree to play and addictive, great footie management game. Please add my code: FT2LLW when you start for in game bonus money, thanks. 5/5
BEST GAME by anonymVBAXW3 .Use this code when sign up you will get free cash and items. 5/5
Great game but... by anonymSince new update, game freezes and forces close throughout the day. Reported it but no answer. 3/5
by anonymbonus code ZULZKU 5/5
by anonymU2U 3BS 5/5
Nice Games ever by anonymI loves dis game :)) 5/5
UGAG62 by anonymNice game!! 4/5
Fresh money code by anonymGet it now BZPWKF 5/5
Great by anonymUse as bonus code use FSQRPS 5/5
by anonym 3/5
Very nice game by anonymUse 3ULLF2 code for a big bonus when starting. 5/5
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