Team review
" Check out how fast you are. "
The application has not yet detailed description, however the team assigned the note of 8 / 10. This note is based on the following criteria: Quality, Usefulness, Ease of Use, Privacy Concerns of user data (depending on the permissions required)..
The app is compatible with most Android devices running on.
Its weight is very light, less than a megabyte is sufficient to store and operate.
Its number of downloads in the Android Market (Google Play) is quite low. The application is either new, or limited to a specific area that only a few users are interested in.
User reviews
20 users have given their review on Sushi Slash.
Its marvelous!!!!! by anonymQuite cool sort of game! Its glittering! 5/5
Why! by anonymWhy so much Megabites 2/5
by anonymCan't put the game down 5/5
Challenging by anonymIt is interesting and challenging. 4/5
Perserukan lagi game ini by anonymLumayan 3/5
uninstalled by anonymokay but not for me 1/5
Love it by anonymGreat game great music 5/5
Sushi slash by anonymI love it.thank you 5/5
by anonymNice App.. 5/5
Sushi slash by anonymI love it ...thank you 5/5
Gud time killer by anonymLoads of excitement guaranteed. 5/5
Awsome by anonymCool. Game bro 5/5
. by anonymI think it's a pretty cool game but I don't appreciate sometime When I slash it don't go through. 3/5
Very addictive by anonymCant stop playing this game 5/5
Okay by anonymVery good peguin cuz it doesn't have pants and I love it ? :) 4/5
by anonymThe boundaries are not clearly shown to indicate where cuts can be made. 2/5
no update by anonymthis game has not been updated for a long time, please.release new levels 3/5
Don't swip right. by anonymWhen you go to swip to cut. It don't work 99% off time. 1/5
by anonymIts OK I mean ya its alright but like from the pictures it looks like it is for baby's make on for kidz only it is like stupid do u guys no what I mean oh and I am only under my moms account because mine broke but my name is Miriah P all my friends call me Miriah P because in 2 and grade other was 2 Miriahs one was spelled Mariah and mine is spelled Miriah and the screen is like small and ya it is for baby's deffenitly <3 oh and BTW that means a heart sorry some times I don't got good spelling sorry :( 3/5
D/l the HD version by anonymThe screen was quite often unresponsive to my touches - whether it was a slash or pressing a button - and it made the game unplayable at times. The HD version seems to be more responsive. Please try it if you have experienced the same problems. 4/5
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Required permissions on the device
To work, the app requires access to the following device functions :