Team review
" Test and improve your attention and memory. "
The application has not yet detailed description, however the team assigned the note of 8 / 10. This note is based on the following criteria: Quality, Usefulness, Ease of Use, Privacy Concerns of user data (depending on the permissions required)..
The app is compatible from version 2.3 of Android. Any supperior OS version will support it.
Its weight is light enough, less than ten MB (6 MB exactly) are needed to save to their device and use it.
Its number of downloads in the Android Market (Google Play) makes it an extremely popular application and rightly so. More than a million users are using it on mobile or on touch pad.
User reviews
40 users have given their review on Find The Ball.
I like bouncy balls by anonymI like it because I love balls 5/5
by anonymGood but to easy way to easy 5/5
To easy by anonymWay to easy 1/5
Fun game by anonymChallenging and fun 4/5
by anonymSolutions by NORTEL NETWORKS? 5/5
it's nice..! by anonymgood game...! wow...! 5/5
Nice game. by anonymVery nice app. 5/5
$ickkkkkkkkkkk! by anonymFock ya 5/5
Good game hi by anonymGood a$$ game 5/5
by anonymI'm at 41! 5/5
Wow by anonymIt is very good for your brain 5/5
by anonymLevel 26.. I'm the daddy 4/5
by anonymSimplicity At Its Best. 5/5
by anonymYay me!!!! yay 5/5
Nice by anonymKool game test ur memory 5/5
by anonymLevel 50 is my target but is a really good game 5/5
Find the ball by anonymHiding the ball...gets faster! Great fun for anyone! 5/5
Fun by anonymIt was so awesome and very good 5/5
by anonymFind the ball game was most likes ... 5/5
Monotonus by anonymBored in a short time 1/5
Bad bad bad by anonymSo very stupid 1/5
To easy by anonymTo slow doesn't add new cups.really slow.wont save progress. IT SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ????? 1/5
Samsung galaxy j7 by anonymPls add change level option 3/5
Good by anonymThis is very good game i love it 5/5
Level by anonymShould start from same or half way thru when you loose 5/5
IMPROVE!!!!! by anonymThe game is good but please improve the graphics :) 4/5
by anonymThis game is easy I got to level 978 5/5
I t s h o u l d b e find t h e bakal by anonymCedhak 5/5
good by anonymbut need option to resume from desired level 4/5
Awesome by anonymFirst try 34 and I'm only 11 5/5
Fun by anonymLevel 35 ... For my first try.... Is that a good score lol? 5/5
Great Game! by anonymSimple play but such a big help with mind exercising. 5/5
Cool by anonymI wish there was a way to power ups, cups , ball or something like that if you take that into consideration of will give you 5 stars 4/5
Great by anonymFunny and addictive but need to solve the issue if we fail to find the ball, the level will start from begining.. 3/5
by anonymI loved this game I got to level 25 I'd only recommend one thing make,it to where u can change the background and or cups thank you for ur services 4/5
Simple easy fun by anonymFantastic simple one touch game. The only thing missing is a leaderboard. Leaderboard please ? Still no leaderboard BUT still fun. 5/5
Great time passer by anonymRelaxing and an enjoyable game which helps to train the brain on memory and movement. Only update it needs is to be able to continue where one leaves off instead of starting over. 5/5
Nice game by anonymI really like the game. Got to level 34. But hate it when I had to start again from the beginning. What's the maximum level if anybody could tell? 4/5
OOOOOMMMMMGGGGG! FIND THE BALL by anonymYou guys can't believe that i finish till 39 level it is to easy also but if anyone does not have a knowledge of cars he cannot play this game at all. 5/5
Nice app but... by anonymI want some more functions like u can put more glasses on higher level n defenitely then iwill give u 5stars ... But anyways awsm game for brain. 4/5
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Required permissions on the device
To work, the app requires access to the following device functions :