Team review
" Burst a multi-color egg. "
The application has not yet detailed description, however the team assigned the note of 9 / 10. This note is based on the following criteria: Quality, Usefulness, Ease of Use, Privacy Concerns of user data (depending on the permissions required)..
The app is compatible from version 1.5 of Android. Any supperior OS version will support it.
Its weight is light enough, less than ten MB (4 MB exactly) are needed to save to their device and use it.
Its number of downloads in the Android Market (Google Play) makes it an extremely popular application and rightly so. More than a million users are using it on mobile or on touch pad.
User reviews
20 users have given their review on Bubble Blast Easter.
Bubble blast by anonymThe program starts moving fast and skips levels at times, but other than that great game. 4/5
Bubble Blast by anonymI have enjoyed all the bubble blast games so far! Towards the beginning they are easy, and towards the end, more like a challenging puzzle. 4/5
Love it by anonymVery entertaining and addicting good way to pass time kinda get lost in time with it go to play a few levels and before you know it you've been playing an hour fun definitely recommend 5/5
by anonymgud 4/5
go by anonymod 5/5
by anonymBubble Blast Easter 4/5
by anonymMy daughter and i both like this game 5/5
by anonymIts a joyful game...... 5/5
by anonymNice 5/5
by anonymFun game to play. My kids love it. 4/5
by anonymGreat game. Addictive and helps time fly when stuck waiting for someone or something. 4/5
Bubble blast by anonymFun 5/5
Easter Bubble Blaster! by anonymFun game! 5/5
by anonymThe easter eggs r cute n even my two year old nephew knew how to play . Very user friendly.. 5/5
Bubble Blast Easter by anonymIt is so fun to play . It is a very fun game. 4/5
Addictive by anonymFun to pass the time with when you're forced to wait. 4/5
Bubble Blast Easter by anonymI got this for my great niece to play...who knew it would be such a hit with the family?! 5/5
woo by anonymplayed it daily.. love this game beat it!! :) update more levels! :) 5/5
Love it by anonymReally fun game with many challenging levels as you go the first few r very easy but it does get harder throughout the game and it even has a fun Easter theme where you can choose your own character xxx:-) really fun quick way to waste time xxx 5/5
Awesomeness by anonymHas so much thinking sometimes its very challenging put what a I telling you for play it as long as you dont have anger issues 5/5
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Required permissions on the device
To work, the app requires access to the following device functions :