Team review
" Handy features video. "
The application has not yet detailed description, however the team assigned the note of 9 / 10. This note is based on the following criteria: Quality, Usefulness, Ease of Use, Privacy Concerns of user data (depending on the permissions required)..
The app is compatible from version 4.0 of Android. Any supperior OS version will support it.
Its weight is light enough, less than ten MB (6 MB exactly) are needed to save to their device and use it.
Its number of downloads in the Android Market (Google Play) makes it an extremely popular application and rightly so. More than a million users are using it on mobile or on touch pad.
User reviews
40 users have given their review on mVideoPlayer.
by anonymSimple and easy to use 5/5
Video playlists! by anonymJust what I was looking for. This. App has something not even VLC on android have. Playlists for videos. 5/5
by anonymFazi raju Pti PML ? 5/5
Love it by anonymWant to make this app recommend for others great app. 5/5
Its all good by anonymReal clear for no hd 5/5
Reggea matic by anonymM video player 5/5
H by anonymIt's a good app 5/5
Hate it by anonymI like the older version way better. This new one is annoying 2/5
by anonymDoesn't let you watch the movies like your spose to be able to it sucks 1/5
by anonymDoesn't play Avi files nevermind subtitles 2/5
Coolcars45 789 by anonymThanks For example of how the world of difference in the New York City 5/5
It plays subtitles by anonymI needed it to watch anime. 5/5
Best player ever! by anonymOnly problem is 4.4.2 support. plzzzz I love this player too much to let it go! 2/5
So cool by anonymDon't need Wi-Fi 5/5
video will not play by anonymplays first 10 seconds of video then stops with "video will not play message:" 1/5
Great app by anonymMy goto video player. 5/5
Good but? by anonymBut no video for .mkv 2/5
Quite good by anonymFor now i just want to play flash video not supported in this without installing another app 3/5
Installed for playing movies with embedded subtitles by anonym& this works good. This app is like adding mkv subtitles ability to all other apps. Just a small issue : after installing this app, I feel that MX Player would refuse to play SOME videos. 5/5
AC3 by anonymReluctantly ditched in favour of VLC which plays my files with AC3 audio. Seriously, didn't you do *any* testing at all before releasing this update? 1/5
Great Apps by anonymOnly problem is the subtitle download to long to download and when you lucky it downloaded its on different language or really out of sync. 5/5
Mediocre by anonymAcceptable video player, bad subtitle finder 3/5
Great app by anonymIs the best app and it has way less permission and no admob or any junk. Clean simple beautiful. 5/5
Great app by anonymThis is a great app becausr it has very handy tools that makes it easier when you watch videos 5/5
Awesome app by anonymThis us a very cool and awesome app. Why did you stopped updating app? Please continue updating app ..this is the only app I can find so far which have internal subtitles download facility.. 5/5
The real MCOY !!! by anonymI have, a APEX ANDROID 4.2 JELLYBEAN TABLET. It gave me hell, no other Videoapp came even close to playing or downloading. I'd be willing to pay $50 dollars or more a month, for this app!!! 5/5
I still use the older version of this app by anonymi.e the one that used to be available before the major change of the UI. Having just checked out this version again to see whether all the past functionalities have been reinstated I noted that one important function is still missing. That is the play back list in REVERSE order to most recently added (i.e oldest first). When I play my videos I play them in sequence from oldest to newest non stop. Pls. add this function 3/5
Fairly good! by anonymI am able to use my preferred player (allcast support) which is nice, but: 1) I cannot add folders with a period in the name even if I turn off the hidden files and nomedia options. When using the browse mode, all folders show up, including those with a period in the name. 2) When I remove a video source path, the videos and library still shows the files even after hitting refresh. I have cleared thumbnails and it still keeps them. 3) "Wipe the video data table in the databse" <-spelling error. 4) A confirmation on exit would be nice... I find that I "back" quite a bit and often the last one is too far and it closes the app. 5) Font size options for files would be nice. At the moment the filenames are in quite a large bold font and most of the filename does not fit. I like having bigger thumbnails and there should be plenty of room for wrapping the text around or making the font smaller. Otherwise I like the options so far and it's a fairly clean and nice browser/player! 3/5
Where's the user guide? by anonymWhere's the user guide or user forum for this app? I can't even figure out how to tell the app. where my videos are stored. The app. looks nothing like the screen shots. The notification message for finding file sources talks about an action bar, and I don't even understand this concept. 1/5
Its very good. by anonymWhen i add videos to a playlist the name of the video changes/cuts of. For example "Steven Universe S01E03 Frybo" Becomes "Steven Universe S01E03". I did get it to work randomly before, but naah, it still dont. And the database wipe does not fix this. 5/5
by anonymKeeps crashing 3/5
Version 4.2.0 by anonymAyyyyyeeeeee 5/5
Great! by anonymWorks great on my Note 4 5/5
by anonymCan't play URLs 1/5
Its alright by anonymNice interface but lacking features. How can playlist mode not be supported on tablets?! I really needed that 3/5
Don't bother. by anonymWas working on previous version. Latest version crashes when trying to play videos. 1/5
Useless for me by anonymFirst MKV I tried, audio only, no video, no subtitles. 1/5
Great but .. by anonymWill not play .FLV files? 3/5
Sony Xperia Acro S LT6w (LT26w) by anonym79+ ??. ????? (?? ????????? ? MX Player): ?????? ??????????, ????????? ???????? ?????????? ???????? ?????????, ??????? ????????????? ???????. ??????: ?? ?????? ? ???????? ?????????, ?? ???????? ?????? ????? ??????????????, ??? ??????????????? ???????? ?????, ??? ??????? ? DLNA, ??? ????????? AC3, ??? ???????? ???? ?? ??????? ???????? ???????? ?????????, ??? ????????? ???????? ???????????????. 3/5
New features by anonymI would like the availability of the control via bluetooth headset like pause play etc... thanks 3/5
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