Team review
" The lonely planet's shadow. "
The application has not yet detailed description, however the team assigned the note of 8 / 10. This note is based on the following criteria: Quality, Usefulness, Ease of Use, Privacy Concerns of user data (depending on the permissions required)..
The app is compatible from version 2.1 of Android. Any supperior OS version will support it.
Its weight is very light, less than a megabyte is sufficient to store and operate.
Its number of downloads in the Android Market (Google Play) makes it an extremely popular application and rightly so. More than a million users are using it on mobile or on touch pad.
User reviews
20 users have given their review on Shadow Galaxy.
Unreal by anonymSoo good. Love the speed everything moves it. Details amazing! 5/5
Nice free live wallpaper: by anonymBut I uninstalled it because I have many Awsome paid live wallpaper apps & this feels less comparatively. Still it's a nice app , I will recommend it to everyone who r searching for best of free live wallpapers apps. 4/5
Great LWP by anonymBought all his payed live wallpapers because he gave some free before bringing out payed versions. Love them! 5/5
Awesome by anonymLove it. Amazing job. Would be even cooler getting the accelerometer involved. 5/5
Stunning, unobtrusive, easy on the battery by anonymCouldnt ask for more from it. Thumbs up always!! 5/5
Awesome by anonymIts great! Gives you a great feeling! I dont know how much battery it uses but its great! Well done. 5/5
Fantastic! by anonymGreat 3D earning the right to be my background. 4/5
Great by anonymReally cool looking. Uses the least amount of battery for a live wallpaper that I've ever seen. Brilliant.... 5/5
by anonymVery good but there are a couple of bugs. Lags and restarts but good 5/5
Amazing by anonymI loveeeeeeeee this app. It freaking moves and the loop is so smooth i once wasted 15 minutes of my life staring at my background thinking that it would end eventually and restart XD (don't judge). 5/5
by anonymif you have a galaxy phone you have to have this, don't be afraid it won't eat your battery download it. 5/5
Awesome LWP by anonymOne of my favorite galaxies LWP. If you like this, buy the Galaxy Pack ! 5/5
Best LWP by anonymBeautiful, error free and very low battery consumption. Simply great!! 5/5
Shadow galaxy by anonymIts high quality really amazed me...thumbs up? 5/5
Very nice. by anonymWould love if I could use this as daydream screen saver too. Pls.pls.pls. 5/5
Amazing wallpaper app by anonymModerate battery life impact but it's worth it. 5/5
Love this series! by anonymI have tried tons of "free" "live" wallpapers, and these are my favorite. No scam, no bait & switch. 5/5
Awesome! by anonymLove this, I have been looking for a better live wallpaper for my phone. This one is perfect for what I was looking for! Keep up the great work. 5/5
Amazing by anonymReally good, I actually just sit there staring at this for like 10 minutes, it's a really good app. 5/5
Best galaxy live wp I've seen. by anonymExcellent 3D animations. Don't know how much battery it uses yet but it looks fantastic, well done! You should change the Ice Galaxy wp to this style (flying through instead of around the galaxy). I prefer the cool blue color over this but will still use & recommend this one until (if) you change that one. 5/5
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Required permissions on the device
To work, the app requires access to the following device functions :