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Toilet Finder
Created by BeTomorrow
Toilet Finder

Android version
Team note
7 / 10
Users note
7 / 10
about 0
1 Mo
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Team review

" Locate the toilet facilities ! "

The application has not yet detailed description, however the team assigned the note of 7 / 10. This note is based on the following criteria: Quality, Usefulness, Ease of Use, Privacy Concerns of user data (depending on the permissions required)..

The app is compatible with most Android devices running on.

Its weight is very light, less than a megabyte is sufficient to store and operate.

Its number of downloads in the Android Market (Google Play) is quite low. The application is either new, or limited to a specific area that only a few users are interested in.

User reviews

40 users have given their review on Toilet Finder.

Negative review by anonym
Old and not working with Google maps 1/5
Negative review Does not work by anonym
App is waste of time and data. 1/5
Positive review :) saved my day by anonym
Just what I was need it. On time. 5/5
Positive review Great Concept by anonym
This is a great concept. It needs more input by users. Out can become really good. 4/5
Negative review Incorrect locations. by anonym
The locations of toilets shown in my area can be up to 1 mile out. Many are shown several streets away from where they actually are. Definitely needs a GPS functionality for submitting and editing locations. 1/5
Negative review Too little data. Too hard to add record. by anonym
I guess my first complaint results from this being a user created database. The closest reported bathrooms were about 25 MILES away. Must not be many people reporting for my area. Also, app is clearly already using GPS services. I should not have to figure out the address where I am to be able to add a bathroom. App should get address from my phone's GPS data. It should be the default option, over-rideable by the user. 2/5
Positive review Handy! by anonym
Found a nice bathroom in NYC when I was desperate. Thanks! 4/5
Positive review Helped me by anonym
Did d job in a diff time... ;) 5/5
Neutral review Not adding bathrooms correctly by anonym
I added a few bathrooms very close to me, but even though I put in the correct address, it shows the bathroom at my current gps position instead of the address I put in....please fix! 3/5
Negative review by anonym
Great potential. Poor Delivery 2/5
Positive review Additional feature by anonym
Can GPS coordinates be added to each location? 4/5
Negative review by anonym
Doesn't work 1/5
Positive review Very useful by anonym
Very easy to use. I admit there are many toilets which haven't been added to the app. But you have the ability to add new ones which is very good. It's simple really the more people that use this app the better it will become 5/5
Positive review Very Convenient by anonym
This app creates a lot of convenience whenever I need to find a washroom. I suggested to add another category for baby's diaper stations so that the parents don't have to go crazy to find one for the babies. 4/5
Positive review Needs a little tweaking by anonym
I'd love to see business names and operating hours for these locations 4/5
Positive review Very good by anonym
App appears truthful in finding public facilities. Would give 5 stars of I could move app to SD. 4/5
Neutral review Could be better by anonym
Would be good to submit by GPS location; I don't know the address of any of the loos I've visited! Just tried to add two more and the second one won't go through, do you have to wait for the first to be moderated? 3/5
Positive review Quality App by anonym
Any weak bladered people need this app as an urgency. Top app 5/5
Negative review Not to good by anonym
I have uc and really needed a bathroom on the out skirts of town... Found me nothing. Horrible when your in pain! 2/5
Negative review Dangerous if relied on by anonym
Couldn't find a bathroom in time with this app. Maybe an issue with phone GPS, but either way it could save you. Worth another try. 1/5
Positive review Buy it now by anonym
If you go on road trips a lot and have to go then this is great 4/5
Neutral review Good but could be better by anonym
When in a strange place it would be very useful to have directions to follow whether you are in a car or on foot but all in all a very good idea 3/5
Neutral review No filter, but map view is nice by anonym
Has info such as free vs pay but no filter option to show only free, handicap, etc. Only allows searching from gps location, no manual input 3/5
Neutral review Has Potential by anonym
This app could be a lot better than it is now with a few changes, in my preferred order of priority: 1. Preload the locations of known stores that do not require purchases to use the facilities, e.g. Starbucks, Home Depot, department stores, Barnes and Noble, Bed Bath and Beyond, etc. 2. Include a name for the location. If I'm looking for a Starbucks, I'd like to know that instead of only having the address. 3. Add a bathroom should default to current location, and if available online, provide the name. 4. It might be nice if there were an option to tell it whether you're walking or driving. When driving, you might want to find restrooms on the highway. When walking, you probably don't want to cross bodies of water like the Hudson River to use a bathroom in Manhattan rather than Hoboken, NJ. This is a great concept. I hope for some big improvements from it. As yet, other similar apps seem to have much worse issues and much farther to go before they're ready for prime time. 3/5
Negative review by anonym
Does not show a route 1/5
Positive review Love the new look. by anonym
The app updated and looks so nice now. Very handy little tool I have used in unfamiliar areas. Would be nice if you could suggest a spot on the map to add a bathroom you found on your own earlier instead of always defaulting to your current location. 4/5
Negative review What's gone wrong?! by anonym
Loved this app. Great help when out with my mother in unfamiliar places. Just updated, now when I open I just get a blank screen.... Will prob have to uninstall and find a different app.. 2/5
Neutral review by anonym
Ok. Would be nice to be able to search a place you are to travel to so you know in advance where from there the facilities are (or not). 3/5
Negative review Could be useful if only... by anonym
It is 800Meters away. But it doesn't show on the map I scroll I pinch, I can't shrink the map, I can't find the location, it is 800m but I have no idea in which direction. 1/5
Positive review by anonym
Toilet finder 5/5
Negative review POS by anonym
Didn't find anything for me. 1/5
Negative review Ads by anonym
The ads block buttons that you need. 1/5
Negative review Not accurate by anonym
The position of toilets arent good and information is bad 2/5
Negative review Destroyed by Update :( by anonym
This worked brilliantly before the redesign, now it force refreshes the entire screen every time the ad strip changes, which is extremely annoying. What happened to the top 10 nearest feature too? Now it's just one option and no directions to the facility in question anymore. Sorry, but I'm flushing the app. 1/5
Negative review Location inaccurate by anonym
Can not add new locations as the map shows current location inaccurate with a deviation of a few hundred meters. Otherwise, a very useful app 2/5
Negative review by anonym
Can't find ish 1/5
Positive review For NYC by anonym
When you gotta go, what do you do? 5/5
Negative review by anonym
Go back to old version of the app it worked best 1/5
Positive review Toilet Finder was there for me. by anonym
I was in an unfamiliar place, and had to poop with the force of 1000 supernovae. Thank you for saving me from defecating in a very, very public space. 4/5
Negative review New design is backward step. by anonym
This used to be a great app but it's been rendered pretty much useless by the update. Please return to previous design. 1/5

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Required permissions on the device

To work, the app requires access to the following device functions :
