Team review
" Keep track ! "
The application has not yet detailed description, however the team assigned the note of 9 / 10. This note is based on the following criteria: Quality, Usefulness, Ease of Use, Privacy Concerns of user data (depending on the permissions required)..
The app is compatible with most Android devices running on.
Its weight is very light, less than a megabyte is sufficient to store and operate.
Its number of downloads in the Android Market (Google Play) is quite low. The application is either new, or limited to a specific area that only a few users are interested in.
User reviews
40 users have given their review on GPS Tracker Pro.
Pretty good by anonymCouldn't locate my husband the other day but it's usually very good. 4/5
Great app! by anonymUser friendly accurate, it also lists sex offenders registered in your area. 5/5
Former holder of my phone number is still here with my number by anonymFormer holder of my phone number is still here with my current number... can't use because of that. Very disappointing. 1/5
Really good! by anonymThis app is wonderful for getting a general idea of the person within 150 ft, would be nicer if it could be narrowed down to 50 ft. 3/5
Replaces latitude by anonymIt has its moments when it takes to long to update your location. 4/5
Good app by anonymI like it but keep some more improvements in it plz thanks 4/5
Great!!! by anonymVery helpful and userfriendly. This app gives you peace-of-mind. 5/5
Gr8 by anonymCould b more user freindly as older peeps mite find it hard to understand or navigate 4/5
Good enough by anonymOverall ok works when it wants but not bad just needs a touch 3/5
by anonymdon't know why my mom's photo does not show in the map but blank face? 4/5
by anonymMy husband and I were sitting on the couch eating dinner and his phone went off saying I left the house. It also has our address listed as one its not. On check in it shows you checking in at home when your not. So not very accurate in my opinion 1/5
Good app by anonymKeep you in touch with loved ones, sometimes it is not accurate. 4/5
Good by anonymNice app, overall pretty good accuracy. Although it will show I'm in an area that I haven't been in (take an hour to drive there but I was there in min.) 3/5
GPS Tracker by anonymI put in what I need to track a address or business it zooms right in and out its amazing ! 5/5
It's perfect by anonymHad no problems whatsoever the graphics and pixels are good however the distance between people isn't very accurate 5/5
by anonymWorks great, like knowing in general where my family is. If you have nothing to hide. 5/5
Great GPS tracking by anonymThis is awesome. .great app for your loved ones. .. 5/5
# tied to an account by anonymSent an email and I thought it warrant a quick response. Download the app only to find out my # is already link to an account , probably the last person that had the number. Been 4 days..good to know someone can GPS track me without knowing. 1/5
Galaxy S5 by anonymif i want to trace my family member, they have to turn this app On beforehand, if they forgot to on the app, i couldnt even view any history on their location at all 3/5
See if it works by anonymDon't now until my hubby leaves the house to see if it work ?????(-^?^-) 5/5
The Incredible hyper connectivity app by anonymWe are in this age of connectivity to others. But i can imagine this simple app can do so much features of connection. Great & Smart! 5/5
Nic app by anonymApp is very use full to me. Now I am able to track my family at any time. 5/5
I LOVE IT by anonymIt makes me feel safe knowing where my husband is, it also makes me feel like a psycho but he doesn't mind xD I got this for my mom too cause my dad works on the road and till late night so she'd like to know he's ok ! Fantastic app! 5/5
by anonymIt only tracks in front of my house...then I get a message that says person cannot b located...frustrating 1/5
Pretty darn accurate by anonymRUNNING on Lollipop and Jellybean phones. When his truck is on the road I can see where he is and if he's moving or stopped. To the point of knowing which part of a truck stop he's in. Sometimes the pinpoint is a little off, but not much. Mostly in areas of low cell coverage. Turn the Notification off with regard to email and text messages tho. Too distracting on the road. Works on the motorcycle too. Do wish it was iPhone comparable for my Apple friends though. 5/5
by anonymVery poor i cnt get my kid shw only near by house not where is her last location very bad 1/5
Great app by anonymBut please stop asking me to rate it all the time. Even when I have already rated it. 5/5
Helpful, user-friendly and reliable by anonymNice App. 5/5
Erratic by anonymIntermittently gives "Home" location instead of actual. Often sends multiple arrival or departure notifications when device hasn't been moved. 2/5
by anonymI would recommend this app although it is not 100% accurate. Even though the free version did a great job, I just upgraded to the paid version to make sure that I can keep track of my son over 500 miles away. It is working beautifully!! 5/5
Update problem by anonymMany times it does not show the current location of my circle members, its shows their position 2 hours before or so... Otherwise its really nice app, please fix this problem. If i want to update one's position it takes about half hour to update the position. 4/5
Is it useful? by anonymYes if you want track your family. But they also need to install it on their phones and add them on your circle. 4/5
Pretty good so far by anonymMy mum always worries when we travel down to see her at Christmas , Scotland to South England is a bit of a mission. This app proved useful as she new exactly where we were. Very useful. 4/5
great app by anonymworks perfectly so far. but i doubt my friends and family will want me tracking them. 5/5
Really works by anonymHelped track down my wife's phone when it got lost at lax. Showed the police and saw it was near their station and narrowed it down to lost and found but not until the next day. They mistook it for a wallet because of the case but the map made them look harder. 5/5
Help me by anonymI forget me my password so please give me my new password or delete my account i need this because its very good application so please Help me. 5/5
Could be better by anonymI want to track a family members movements as they travel without having to update constantly. Fix it so when you are looking at a member who is traveling, it automatically updates every three or four minutes to show their progress as they travel. 2/5
instakatin issue by anonymDear no.1 gos tracker team earlier I was using this aop with my lg phone but I have changed my phone to xiomee redmi note and able to install this aapp on new phone pks help 5/5
by anonymGreat ap! Just some advice though...turn it off b4 u head to the strip joint because she will find you! Very accurate! 5/5
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