Team review
" Companion for ComicRack on PC. "
The application has not yet detailed description, however the team assigned the note of 8 / 10. This note is based on the following criteria: Quality, Usefulness, Ease of Use, Privacy Concerns of user data (depending on the permissions required)..
The app is compatible with most Android devices running on.
Its weight is very light, less than a megabyte is sufficient to store and operate.
Its number of downloads in the Android Market (Google Play) is quite low. The application is either new, or limited to a specific area that only a few users are interested in.
User reviews
40 users have given their review on ComicRack Free.
Awesome by anonymBest cómic book reader out user friendly can definitely hang compare to comixology 5/5
Poor by anonymRefreshing bar keeps popping up every 5 seconds. And it freezes to much. In fact every time its not refreshing it is frozen. 1/5
The best comic app ever created!!!!!!!!! by anonymBest app every comic reader must hav it. It requires no internet. Can save unlimited comics for free. No need to dust your comic drawers. Provides hours of enjoyment. All earlier bugs and problems hav been solved. U can contribute towards it growth and development by buying it. Not compulsory. Really every comic reader must hav it. Thumbs up for this app I even downloaded it on my pc. 5/5
Useless app,learn from Manga galaxy by anonymCrashes when I try to search,sub par gui,etc..this app is broken,im using a nexus 5 on Android 4.4.4 1/5
Perfect by anonymThis app works perfectly on my phone. I have none of the issues other users seem to be experiencing. This app is perfect no problems or complaints whatsoever! 5/5
Excellent comic reader by anonymWhen it wants to work it's fantastic but recently I've been having more and more issues trying to get it to sync with my pc. Getting a but annoyed with it now. 3/5
Used to be great by anonymWonderful if you like seeing 'Refreshing library...' messages all the time. 1/5
Works great by anonymIf your like me and just want to read comics from an sd card this app is the best and easiest by miles. I don't use the library features that everyones complaining about. 5/5
cannot find comics by anonymi would give it 5 stars but i cannot find any comics 1/5
by anonymWould be 5 but the thing pops up and refreshes my library every 30 sec well I'm trying to read my comics 4/5
by anonymFor some reason, the app keeps force closing. Uninstalling and reinstalling doesn't help at all. Loved it at first, now moving on to other services until the issue is fixed 2/5
I love it but... by anonymI tried to purchase the non free one. For some reason it wouldn't even open. That was Sunday and I still haven't received me refund 5/5
Just OK by anonymI have relinquished my old HTC into a comic reader only and when this app ACTUALLY works I love it but every few days it will not go past a blank black screen. At that point I have to uninstall the app, reinstall it, add all my comics back to the library, then go through and mark them all as read again. Full version $8? Maybe if it wasn't so buggy but I'm not paying money if it will keep doing this. That's super frustrating even for a free version. 2/5
Constant refresh is annoying by anonymThe app refreshes every 5 or 10 seconds, which is extremely annoying and makes it hard to read. I am uninstalling this app and looking for a usable app elsewhere. 1/5
by anonymSince updating to kitkat it's been crashing a lot, I wanted to try out a few free comic apps before buying one, had decided to buy full version of this but too many bugs for me to consider. 5/5
Transition Lag by anonymuse a Samsung galaxy s3 and each time I want to go to a new page in a omit there is a 4 or 5 sec delay... This is just horrible! 3/5
REFRESHES AND DOESN'T ALLOW YOU TO READ IN PEACE! by anonym(UPDATE 9/21/14 : About 2 weeks ago, developer said on his website that he would update app in a few days, but not updated yet. WAITING!) Scanned my comics well, but .......I was just about to buy this app, but after all the refreshing every 10 seconds, I can't advise anyone to download this app. That's the only thing keeping this app from being successful. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE FIX THE REFRESHING ISSUE. So many people are waiting to purchase this app. No point in saving any comics if you can't even read them in peace. Please fix! No one can really give you more than 2 stars until this is fixed because they can't read their comics. Since 2/19/14 this hasn't been updated. Have you abandoned this app? Can't email developer from Google Play Store. Have to create an account on his website. Hoping to change stars and review! Hope you're listening! Galaxy Note 2 and 12.2 2/5
Problem by anonymNormally this works perfectly but I cant delete the comics once ive read them! Its taking up so much space that I can't delete then. 3/5
Why does it keep REFRESHING LIBRARY every ~10 seconds? by anonymIt's so annoying when you're trying to read and the screen fades to black and you see a progress bar smack in the middle of the page. Tis a true shame, because I really like the features and design of this comic reader and would have bought the paid version. I am having this same issue! 1/5
Not a bad comic viewer, but.. by anonymApp is pretty good with some nice customisation options however the library sync bug whereby a sync popup box appears every 15 seconds or so makes this an unpleasant experience. There doesn't seem to be much of any updates to the app or on the forum. 2/5
Recent problem by anonymWorked great until recently, now I get a message "sorry, your device does not support this type of file". Its a cbr, so I know its supported. Lg optimus g...can anyone help? 4/5
Refreshes constantly by anonymI like that it works and its good but its always refreshing like every 10 seconds, gets really annoying when trying to read something 2/5
Annoying by anonymThe core function of the app is well made. But the constant popup for some kind of library update (every 5 seconds for 0.1 s) is very annoying :( 1/5
Fine but.... by anonymIt keeps refreshing list every 8 seconds. It's very irritating especially when I'm trying to navigate the comic. How do I fix it so it doesn't refresh or is this just a bug in the free version cos I don't want to pay for the full version and get this happening. Everything else is great. 3/5
Functional, but nothing special by anonymThe library is great, has nice and simple interface, but it keeps refreshing every few seconds, it'll be a huge problem when you have a lot of comics on your device. Sliding/moving between pages is not smooth and a bit tricky, sometimes you can do it easily and sometimes just go back to the page before. And the biggest problem for me, it's resizing algorithm, text not clear enough to read in my 4" phone. I had to zoom almost everytime. 3/5
A genius work... With a genius mania by anonymI'm not very easily pleased, but Comic Rack surpassed my expectations. It is stylish, smooth, well thought and feature filled. FAR better than any other reader in Android or iOS (ComicZeal, Perfect Viewer, ComiCat...), specially if you need to read using zoom (phone, small tablet). BUT it refuses to support some CBR files (solid CBRs), so you need another reader for them (or use syncing with the desktop app, which is VERY slow and not always convenient). Worst of all, they are not identified in any way. 5/5
A few bugs, but great by anonymHad to figure out some sync issues on my own, but got it working with webcomics too! The reader itself on both Android and windows is superb and the library organization and tagging tools are very powerful! Would like better error handling for broken webcomic links, faster sync time and better support/documentation, but since it's a solo dev and free software, I'm still quite pleased. When I get a tablet, I'll have to buy the full version of this. 4/5
Just love it. So easy to use. by anonymHad other comic apps installed on my Nexus 10 before and hated them. They gave very bad reading experience, but this one is wonderful so easy to use. Will consider to by Pro just to support the developers. 5/5
Great app but has a big flaw by anonymI love this app how it looks and how it works, but it has an irritating flaw. Reading anything of an SD card causes the app to refresh every 20 second season or so. This gets pretty annoying after awhile. If this issue gets fixed I'll be more then happy to give a 5 star. This issue is what pervents me from buying the full version. 3/5
Will not stop refreshing by anonymWill not stop refreshing the library on any galaxy pro tab b every 5 seconds,rendering the app absolutely useless. Looks great and worked awesomely for a brief time. A shame no one seems interested in correcting the problem. If you have a Galaxy pro tablet don't waste your money. 1/5
Functional, but terrible by anonymFirst off, I will say that this is the best cbr/czb reader in the market. Which is a pity. The interface is downright terrible, but luckily, you won't have to deal with it that often, since comics take up the whole screen. Even though it uses basic android standards, it doesn't consider user interaction guidelines at all. the slide-out menu is basically useless, it still uses the old holo-blue branding and doesn't really have a feel of its own. And the worst thing is the navigation interface while reading a 2/5
Best reader but... by anonymIt is riddled with problems. The interface is way too cluttered, while you can customize it, it is a bit of a pain. It no longer show the battery or time and once you select the library it constantly refreshes making it impossible to read. The only way to get past it is to install the program and go into your comics directly via the folder explorer. This bypasses selecting the folder... but sometimes the comics will not open this way........Correction. As of late, you cannot access any CBR or CBZ files from your folder directory. Amending my rating to 1 and uninstalling. There are other readers who work better and actually have developer response. 1/5
Constantly refreshing library during reading by anonymIf you set you comic library to SD card, you will have a pop-up every 3 seconds telling you that the library is refreshing. It only lasts a split second before it goes away but it is very distracting. Seems to be an issue with v4.4.2+. I will not purchase an app with that sort of problem. Shame too, I would love it otherwise. 3/5
Will You Fix It Already!!! by anonymThe complaint about refreshing has been going on for quite a while and you guys still ignore the problem. The refreshing issue needs to be resolved in order for this app to be considered 5 star worthy. They're plenty apps that allow you to put comic files on a SD Card without refreshing issue. Before I purchase this app, that will need to be fixed. Galaxy Note Pro 12.2 1/5
Lovd it till an issue by anonymThis app was gr8 until it started to refrsh. It juat keeps on refreahing how can i read cmcs wth ths 1/5
Major issue needs to be fixed - useless otherwise by anonymReinstalled after a long time and I'm so disappointed in the issues, esp refreshing every 2 seconds!! Impossible to do anything and yet I could still complain about other features not working properly. I don't understand why this is still an issue. 1/5
Constant refreshing by anonymLibrary keeps refreshing every 2 seconds makes reading impossible. I was going to purchase the full version and rate 5 stars but will not until this issue is resolved..Galaxy tab 4 7.0 2/5
Great, but by anonymThis is a great app for reading comics, however, I have had a few issues with it freezing and restarting my Xoom tablet. It's not all the time, but still enough to get frustrating. Please fix. 3/5
Constantly refreshing Issue. by anonymThe app refreshes the library every 10 seconds, making it impossible to read. From what I've discovered this only impacts new devices with comics stored on an SD card, but nevertheless it's something that needs to be addressed. Especially for those who paid for this app. Blaming Android or deleting threads about this issue is not very good customer service. 1/5
Refresh issues by anonymI love this app it has given me hours of enjoyment.... until I expanded my phones memory and saved my collection to an sd card. Now it is literally impossible to scroll through my comics to find something to read. Please please please fix this issue and I will gladly rate 5 stars. 1/5
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Required permissions on the device
To work, the app requires access to the following device functions :