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AndroidPrime > Health and Fitness > Download Diet Assistant, the free app
Diet Assistant
Created by Alportela Labs
Diet Assistant

Android version
Team note
8 / 10
Users note
8 / 10
about 1000000
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Team review

" Get a perfect body ! "

The application has not yet detailed description, however the team assigned the note of 8 / 10. This note is based on the following criteria: Quality, Usefulness, Ease of Use, Privacy Concerns of user data (depending on the permissions required)..

The app is compatible with most Android devices running on.

Its number of downloads in the Android Market (Google Play) makes it an extremely popular application and rightly so. More than a million users are using it on mobile or on touch pad.

User reviews

20 users have given their review on Diet Assistant.

Positive review It's vso very good by anonym
I like this app because it's easy to use and it's convenient whenever I need to keep myself motivated. 5/5
Positive review Great App by anonym
Really good app but it would be cool to be able to use the metric system. 5/5
Positive review Gr8t app by anonym
This a really gud diet app. Easy 2 use. Wish it had da option 4 metric as well. Like it. 5/5
Positive review Its an ok app by anonym
I just downloaded it and its ok but seem to have this issue that the profile part just wont work for the age when ever I click on it the app crashes either fix that or ill uninstall thank u 4/5
Positive review Awesome by anonym
So helpful and very easy to use and I love the groceries list it gives me. Im excited to get started tomorrow. :) 5/5
Positive review Just getting started by anonym
Not bad.. Only wish the meals were more usual ingredients but a trip to the store isnt that bad. 4/5
Positive review Cool app for the extra help. by anonym
I've gone over this app for the last hour and it seems to be a big helper for helping people get on the loosing track. I'm really thinking about getting the pro app so I can get the full benefits from it. I've done a lot of research on many different apps and this one tops them off. I think its the best one out of them all.... I'm excited to get in track and get on to the start to the new healthier me! I'm going to do it with my daughter and we can help each other of along are healthier way of life :) 5/5
Neutral review Bought the app upgrade by anonym
Can't seem to work out how to add my own meals....they don't show up on the menu. So wasted my money I think. 3/5
Positive review Brilliant app by anonym
Great app for people who want a nice simple menu plan that can be easily interchanged for alternatives. Fab for me as I get easily bored . 5/5
Negative review Blah by anonym
The diet plans are few, and they are all weird and not normal for what I would eat. Too much fish for me, cus I don't eat it. =( 2/5
Positive review Pretty good. by anonym
Simple meal plans. You can replace foods you don't like which is great. 5/5
Positive review Great app for keeping track by anonym
The app helps to motivate with the challenges and keeps you going with the reward scheme 5/5
Positive review Beautiful butterfly by anonym
Absolutely wonderful app I love it its the only one that has worked for me I installed it and never had a problem and I get so many complements on how I look thanks so much :) 5/5
Negative review Not really free! by anonym
There are 10 meal plans and they suck you can't add your own unless you upgrade I wish apps would just tell you they are not really free it is so upsetting... Can't even respond to others questions... Uninstalling!!! 1/5
Positive review Well thought out by anonym
Great app to help motivate inform and provides excellent tools 5/5
Positive review Good way to track progress by anonym
This app does amazing for healthy eating and weightloss tracking! It's easy to use and keeps you motivated to keep going. 5/5
Positive review Helen Cool by anonym
This is the best diet app I've ever seen! Great job! Great app!! Great people!!! Keep it up! 5/5
Negative review Poor food options by anonym
Its very limited, not a lot of food people would readily have a supply of...unless of course youre vegitarian or a health nut. You have to pay to have real choices. 1/5
Neutral review Perhaps the Pro version by anonym
This app is supposed to help you follow a diet and track your weight. The canned diets lean toward vegetarian. There is a menu option to add your own diet our customize existing diets. I don't know if diet plans can be imported. Customizing diet plans require the pro version and probably a whole lot of typing. 3/5
Positive review Lots of potential by anonym
This app is heading in the right direction. The only one I've found so far that has all of the features I've been looking for. It does, however need to add more variety to each diet, ex. apples and almond butter for a snack. Also, some of the foods are not common and the recipes are not there. But they can be looked up on the internet. It has a lot of potential. Runs fantastic on Nexus 7 4/5

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Required permissions on the device

To work, the app requires access to the following device functions :
