Team review
" Splash effect ! "
The application has not yet detailed description, however the team assigned the note of 7 / 10. This note is based on the following criteria: Quality, Usefulness, Ease of Use, Privacy Concerns of user data (depending on the permissions required)..
The app is compatible with most Android devices running on.
Its weight is very light, less than a megabyte is sufficient to store and operate.
Its number of downloads in the Android Market (Google Play) makes it a popular application. Over a hundred thousand users have downloaded on their smartphone or tablet.
User reviews
23 users have given their review on Color Splash Photo.
by anonymbakwas PicsArt best photo editor 1/5
by anonymDoesn't support JPEG? Gimme a break. 1/5
by anonymway too many ads 1/5
by anonymSucks can't add or remove any color 1/5
by anonymworst ..only advertisements are there ! 1/5
by anonymCan't even load it due to adverts
by anonymAnnoying Ads and irritate 2/5
by anonymUseless app, no color splash function 1/5
by anonymHorrible app.... no erasing feature, colours apply also bad 1/5
by anonymReally love apps that put ads before product. poor app. 1/5
by anonymTerrible. Plays ads for every click you make in the Ap. 1/5
by anonymJust started using it, and so far I love it! Very easy to navigate and play with. 5/5
by anonymSays .jpeg not supported. Crippling amount of ads. Broken app. 1/5
by anonymApp doesn't work at all. All pictures you take with your phone are not supported, therefore this is just an ad app
by anonymDon't install... Nothing but ads and they are invasive as. 1/5
by anonymAppears to be just ads. Reloaded a few times but it seems to not be as described.
by anonymDon't ever download. Waste of time!!!! This app is a trap. You won't get to edit your photos at all, adds would be popping all the time. Definitely the worst 1/5
by anonymInteresting app with colour effects ?????? 5/5
by anonymWhat happen? This was on ok app. Now it nothing but Ads! Tried to edit a photo, but ads, ads, ads, ads, ads, ads, ads, ads, ads, ads, ads, ads, and did I mention there was more ads¡¡¡¡¡¡!!!!!! Such a shame. I liked this app years ago, but now cant really use it. To many ads! 1/5
by anonymIf I could give less than a 1 I would. Every move you make there's ads. It's terrible. It kept playing the same one too. 2/5
by anonymAlmost perfect. If there is a setting that could select size of the edited photos would be excellent
by anonymThis is ad hell. Before I even had the chance to edit the first picture it showed me 5 ads. Uninstalled. 1/5
by anonymBroken now, used to be a great app, interface has been change reducing available zoom, top heavy with adds that are ridiculously easy to miss click when they splash appear on the screen unexpectedly. It's an uninstall from me I'm afraid. 1/5
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Required permissions on the device
To work, the app requires access to the following device functions :
Non spécifiées.