Team review
" Calculator with history. "
The application has not yet detailed description, however the team assigned the note of 8 / 10. This note is based on the following criteria: Quality, Usefulness, Ease of Use, Privacy Concerns of user data (depending on the permissions required)..
The app is compatible from version 1.6 of Android. Any supperior OS version will support it.
Its weight is light enough, less than ten MB (5 MB exactly) are needed to save to their device and use it.
Its number of downloads in the Android Market (Google Play) makes it an extremely popular application and rightly so. More than a million users are using it on mobile or on touch pad.
User reviews
20 users have given their review on Calculator Mem.
Great calc by anonym Fantastic 5/5
This calculator is awsome by anonym It helps you learn alot 5/5
superb by anonym 5/5
Excellent by anonym Really A perfect App for calculation one best thing is that history part is so good It must for everyone who use calculator frequently Thanks to Developer 4/5
Harshad by anonym nice 4/5
Good by anonym Excellent 5/5
Good by anonym Good 5/5
Perfect by anonym Muito boa! 4/5
by anonym very nice nd excellent 5/5
Cool by anonym Soo gold 5/5
by anonym Great 5/5
Freeware by anonym Good software 5/5
by anonym V.nice n Iike it 5/5
Good apart from by anonym Is this a mistake on your part or is it me doing something wrong. If i do 100+100+20% the answer is 220 but if i put 100+100=200+20% it comes out the right answer 240 4/5
This is a GREAT checkbook register by anonym Never could find an app that was quick and easy to use but I've been using this for a register and it's perfect. Quick and dirty entry. I was able to learn to use it quickly, know it's got more features I haven't investigated. Many thanks to the developer - keeping me out of trouble at the bank! 5/5
Very Good by anonym Congratulations. The History/Tape is very helpful. 5/5
HTC one v by anonym Great 5/5
5 star ratings by anonym Very useful & excellent. 5/5
Great Calculator app !! by anonym I am very happy with this calculator. Was actually just looking for one with a percent function and was pleasantly surprised!! 5/5
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Required permissions on the device
To work, the app requires access to the following device functions :