Team review
" Real-time streaming stock market quotes. "
The application has not yet detailed description, however the team assigned the note of 7 / 10. This note is based on the following criteria: Quality, Usefulness, Ease of Use, Privacy Concerns of user data (depending on the permissions required)..
The app is compatible from version 4.0.3 of Android. Any supperior OS version will support it.
Its weight is light enough, less than ten MB (10 MB exactly) are needed to save to their device and use it.
Its number of downloads in the Android Market (Google Play) makes it a very popular application. More than five hundred thousand people use it on their phone or tablet.
User reviews
20 users have given their review on CNBC.
Amazing by anonym All I need. Real time news pop ups, live portfolio following, I can finally follow my real portfolio in real time from my mobile. Everything you get on the news channel on the move. 5/5
Very Poor by anonym My stock lists that the App allowed me to make are now changed so they are the same. 1/5
CNBC APP by anonym Dissapointing. Between the "Null" items, crashes and missing prices, I expected more from CNBC. This, combined with the oversize numbers that crowd out the percentage change, makes for a frustrating expirence. Three contacts with support did not resolve problems. 1/5
Pretty good by anonym Since the uograde, I can't turn push alerts to come on at certain times nor mute the sound. It doesn't always push the alerts eithrt. Very spotty. Otherwise it's a good app with great info. 3/5
Great app by anonym Great for quickly checking indices and reading somewhat entertaining headlines. Of course it is mainstream media so take it for what its worth. As far as the functionality and appearance of the app, it seems a little rough around the edges.. I wish developers put more time and effort into the appearance and functionality of android apps as they do with iPhone apps.. 4/5
Could be better by anonym I found there is problems of opening this app when in roaming or wifi is low. I suggest the app developer have the menu as the opening page without all those stories which requires higher internet speed. So that users can choose the menu he or she is interested. I don't go through all the headlines and sometimes it can be a hussle if you travel to some poor internet connection countries like me. I hope the app developer find this point considerable. 3/5
by anonym Great app, but I can only give it 4 stars because I'm a Bloomberg guy. 4/5
Improved.. by anonym A much better quality services than the previous version we look forward to live streaming prices and news for HSI and NIKkEI 225. 4/5
Awesome app by anonym I sure wish the landscape would work, the news articles are such tiny print. 1/5
Quick & Simple to check the Market by anonym For me, just a quick scan of the major indices or specific stocks is all I need. Simple. I'm not expecting much more, so it does what I need until I get home or work where I have access to a PC and the internet. UPDATE: Has anyone noticed that I can't get Jim Cramer's Mad Money or any other CNBC show (i.e. Squawk Box) on Android phones? I don't see it on the menu. Now the commercials say "iOS" app (so I assume only Apple iPhones) can see CNBC shows? I can see other videos just not shows. 3/5
Can't disable notification sounds. by anonym I don't mind the notifications but why can't I disable the sounds? I don't need stock updates at 2 am or political garbage waking me up. Please add this feature. 3/5
Lacks Returns by anonym CNBC has been my app of choice for years, but the Android version lacks Returns info. This still appears front and center in the iOS version as "Performance" on the Quote tab and in more detail on a separate Returns tab. CNBC, why is this significant info left out of this version? :-( 3/5
No video news for single stock by anonym Why dosn't this Androids version play videos one by one automatically under the single stock news tab, like on ios system? Also, not like ios version, the news and videos under the single stock do not have image icon so that it is hard to see which one is video. Did CNBC make this on purpose to make people like Apple device better? Hopefully, these can be fixed soon. 1/5
Takes me back to the home page by anonym Is anyone else having this same problem? If i click on a stock on one of my lists then click back it takes me to the CNBC home screen as opposed to the previous screen which should be the stock list . it used to work fine for the longest time until just a couple weeks ago 3/5
Feedback by anonym Dear Developer My feedback 1 I want you to categorize Commodities news 2 Please make it support multi window of Samsung. 3 it would be great if you can give summaries key points of the news I am looking forward to updating Best wishes 5/5
U call this news? by anonym Downloaded this application for better news coverage...what I got was a joke. N and S Korea are shooting missiles at each other and these clowns r reporting on whales in the. U.K. give me a fuking break. 1/5
Battery and data hog by anonym 22% batt use. I like the video clips but the ads before each are annoying and often freeze. 30s ad for 30s video is ridiculous income for them!! 100000x cable. Abusive and annoying. They need a setting to change video quality. Streaming at HD used up 1GB easy using up my data plan. 50% of that data was ads! 2/5
Excellent app by anonym The best finance app. I love it. One of my favorite apps. Very beautifully designed. 5/5
I like CNBC but.... by anonym I'm a fan of CNBC but this app kills my battery. It runs in the background. You're better off using a bookmark to the mobile site. 2/5
why isn't it "compatible" with the LG G3? by anonym Cuz I know this app works on em, installed it on my nexus 7 via Helium. N widgets too, good ones which don't kill battery Overall tho, owns previous edition. 2/5
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