Team review
" Photos fonctions. "
The application has not yet detailed description, however the team assigned the note of 9 / 10. This note is based on the following criteria: Quality, Usefulness, Ease of Use, Privacy Concerns of user data (depending on the permissions required)..
The app is compatible from version 4.0 of Android. Any supperior OS version will support it.
Its weight is 47 MB. The application requires a bit of storage space, but it is justified by the features offered.
Its number of downloads in the Android Market (Google Play) makes it an indispensable application. More than five million people already use. Do not hesitate to get it back. Any device (smartphone or tablet) must possess.
User reviews
40 users have given their review on Photo Wonder.
perfect by anonymnever had a problem with force closing. best variety of stamps.ive used a ton of photo deco.apps and this is one of the best. 5/5
Tired of constant notifications!! by anonymEvery day I get incessant notifications from this app: "Its been a long time since you've used photo wonder", " Look at our new stickers!", "Now offering Chinese characters!".... Really?? Enough already! Its like having an obnoxious and attention- desperate child installed in my phone. No thanks. Uninstalling.!!! 2/5
:-( by anonymI have this app for so long since I update, now its playing up! Completely slow to open up even taking photo very slow! I still keep the app but I might uninstall it if its keep going like this. 3/5
by anonymMemanggg terrrbaikkk 5/5
PhotoWonder by anonymWow 1/5
by anonymCool app 4/5
by anonymCool~ ^^? 5/5
by anonymGreat for editing >^-^)> love it 5/5
by anonymConstantly crashing in the middle of editing! Frustrating!! Also limited frames and collage patterns. 2/5
by anonymLove Igor 5/5
Good by anonymIts a good app but use to much cpu 4/5
Bad updates by anonymEverytime an update comes through i have to download all the stickers etc again. Why does every uodate delete my stickers? I woukd give minus 5 stars since it takes over half an hour to go through and reload the stickers 1/5
by anonymAmazing app! :* 5/5
It's good by anonymExcept the Slimming part. But, it's acceptable and good 4/5
by anonymI open dis n it still tripping 2/5
by anonymNot bad ..I liked itt ! :) 4/5
Great app by anonymBeen use this App few years back. Love it. Simple and easy. 5/5
Where did it go. by anonymTeeth whitening...? 5/5
Version! by anonymI want to back of old version. The new very bad with me. 2/5
Yes! by anonymWorks so much more better on my phone now. I'm completely satisfied. 5/5
by anonymCoz of Ur camera ... ufff damn it doesn't work whenever I start the back lens ... pls sort it out 1/5
Works great, but beware privacy! by anonymDon't know why would it need access to microphone and personal calendar? People, please beware! 3/5
Can't open the back camera by anonymEverytime I try to open the back camera, the app would stop working and then automatically close, really annoyong 2/5
by anonymPhotoWonder 5/5
Boring by anonymIf you want an AMAZING app, get Venus 3/5
by anonymIt does wonders. ? 1/5
by anonymPerfect 5/5
Samsung NOTE4 by anonymKool application. 5/5
by anonymVery cool iv hadn't for a long time 5/5
by anonymBest editor. ???? 5/5
by anonymI love what this app can do so far better than the rest!!!! 5/5
best by anonymit is the best of all editing app 5/5
by anonymcan't see the view clear 1/5
Awesome by anonymThis app deserves a 5 stars!!! I love it!! 5/5
Absolutely perfect! by anonymIt's awesome i haven't met before 5/5
Fix it . by anonymMy back camera doesnt work i updated it & it doesn't let me use the back camera it shuts off the app could you please fix it i really love this app . It only lets me use to front camera 2/5
Camera !!! by anonymWhat is going on with camera ?? Every time i hit shut button, a pop up say that Photowonder doesn't respond ??? I try reopen many times but there is no change. Please help me fix it ..thank you !! 4/5
Notification by anonymHow do I get photo wonder to stop sending me notifications? I tried going on settings and found nothing. 1/5
Perfect by anonymThis app is the best among any other apps. I love all the wonderful functions it has! 5/5
Very slow by anonymWhen I try to put a filter on my pics, it will take over 30 secs to apply. It's not any filter in particular that's slow. It's the entire app at that point 3/5
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Required permissions on the device
To work, the app requires access to the following device functions :