Team review
" Quick access to a healthcare database. "
The application has not yet detailed description, however the team assigned the note of 9 / 10. This note is based on the following criteria: Quality, Usefulness, Ease of Use, Privacy Concerns of user data (depending on the permissions required)..
The app is compatible from version 2.3 of Android. Any supperior OS version will support it.
Its number of downloads in the Android Market (Google Play) makes it an indispensable application. More than five million people already use. Do not hesitate to get it back. Any device (smartphone or tablet) must possess.
User reviews
40 users have given their review on iTriage Health.
Seems legit.... by anonymI like it so far but am a little worried about the security of it. Since you don't have to log in every time if I lose my phone someone will have all my health info.... 4/5
iTRiage Health by anonymBeing a Nurse I know how important it is to have medical information ave. This program will cover it all! !! 5/5
Great app by anonymThis app is great, store our meds for easy access. Able to look up meds and affects they have. Also look up conditions and treatments. Keep up the good work. 5/5
by anonymGood app but it will not update. I keep getting an error code 24. 5/5
by anonymI'm sure this app is great so I'll rate it a 5 now. My son heard about it and told me. I shared the link with him and my other 4 kids. I'll send it to my brother and 2 sisters too. If I can, I'll put it on G+... 5/5
Fantastic by anonymI can't believe this is a free app, everyone in the health care profession should have it. 5/5
Powerful app by anonymThis app provides a wealth of information for you to utilize for health questions. Well worth downloading, try it yourself and enjoy what you learn. 5/5
Wow im impressed by anonymI love this app, its very accurate and much of the information was reveiwed by harvard medical school. I will be using this all the time. Good work guys you might really help people with this one! 5/5
by anonymThis is the best app ever,it has a lot of information on many medical problems & prescription drugs, very informative , I still cannot believe it's FREE !! 5/5
Love it by anonymWho needs Med school, I just performed surgery earlier on my next door neighbor's Cousin at the local 7/11 cuz of iTriage, thank you 5/5
Stopped 6 times by anonymStopped 6 times in the first hour I had it. It looks like it would be an excellent tool, but apparently not foot my Samsung Galaxy S2. Wish I could use it 1/5
Great- pet version? by anonymThis app is amazing! It's very cool to look up everything you are either feeling or what options you have in terms of medication. Would you be willing to make an app exactly like this but for pets? It'd be very helpful to look up various pet medications to know the options and possible side effects-in one app/one spot. 5/5
iTriage is a KEEPER by anonymUse this app for every reason and any other to inform and prevent health issues. Simple and accurate. Not a doctor so use it as an elimination tool. You will not want to uninstall this self updating app. 5/5
Excellent Medical App! by anonymThis app is worth downloading! Good for anybody who has medical issues and/or takes medicine as well as finding doctors and pharmacies in your area. ? 5/5
by anonymItriage 5/5
by anonymIts Grate 5/5
Love it by anonymEasy and convenient 5/5
by anonymI triage health 5/5
by anonymNice... 4/5
Awesome app. by anonymLove it! 4/5
by anonymAwesome 5/5
by anonymVery informative 4/5
Very useful by anonym. 5/5
by anonymGroovy 5/5
by anonymSo far it good 5/5
A must have app by anonymThis app is wonderful, a good and handy app to have 5/5
Itriage by anonymLoved it. Store all your medical information, Dr.# . Make appointments, great pharmacy finder. 5/5
Not meant for canadians by anonymNot Canadian friendly. Also would love to see more options than just two under additional symptom list. Sometimes I don't have a fever but I have something else that might narrow it down. Also the medication list isn't comprehensive, should be able to access internet if not in database. Since apparently I'm taking medication that doesn't exist. 3/5
Triage by anonymGreat app to have on hand. 5/5
Excellent by anonymInformative and very helpful 5/5
Won't open by anonymI've been using this app for about two years, but since the last 4 updates or so, it started taking too long to open. With the last two updates I can't even open it anymore. I don't have a high-end phone, but I was able to use it before without problems and now it does not work for me. 2/5
EMT friendly! by anonymI use this app for quick referencing medication information which is especially handy when diagnosing an ailment. 5/5
Rating for Itriage - by anonymI found the app to be very helpful and informative. My husband and I pretty much knew he had a Baker's cyst prior to going to the Dr. This was based on your symptom checker. The doplar ultrasound the physician ordered confirmed there was no blood clot just the bakers cyst. In no way should it replace a Dr's diagnosis, but aid the patient in including all symptoms so as to assist the dr in his or her's professional opinion. 5/5
Helpful by anonymGreat way to organize your insurance, Dr's appointments, allergies etc. Shows you where the nearest emergency rooms are located. Info about symptoms, medications and procedures. 4/5
by anonymSo far so good, the professionals like it. EMT, it's an learning tool for me. 5/5
by anonymOn the spot help! Great for those that like to avoid the doctors, like most men! 5/5
Mini Health Guide by anonymA review material, health manual and a life kit. One must have especially when no medical personnel around. (-0_0-) 5/5
by anonymVery good information not over the top for us lay people. Completes my first aid kit. THANK YOU! 4/5
Would love an app like this for "Pets" by anonymSo far so good, new to this app. Works well on my Galaxy S4. Please develope a app for Dogs. 4/5
I Triage Health by anonymLike the app , like that you can see how meds ,find out what to do if you have problems with health problems and solutions for the problem 4/5
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Required permissions on the device
To work, the app requires access to the following device functions :